z3A Advanced App Analysis

z3A Advanced App Analysis

Identify Security and Privacy Risks

Stay on Top of Mobile Risks

As part of Zimperium’s drive to enforce strong mobile security, z3A™ Advanced App Analysis continually evaluates mobile app risk across company employees and their devices.

It provides intelligent insight into your employees’ apps. You can see which apps in use are safe or risky, and set security policies to reduce that risk.

Ongoing Analysis

For each risky mobile app that is identified, Zimperium’s z3A™ solution provides deep intelligence, including contextual analysis, as well as privacy and security ratings.

A parallel processing engine continuously collects and correlates data from multiple sources — from malware to data manipulation instances. Multivariate tests and validations are applied so you can identify mobile app security and privacy risks before they become threats. This engine is constantly updated for new threats and the latest app risk behaviors.

You can know in real time what each and every app is doing, including:

  • Content: the app code itself
  • Intent: the app’s behavior
  • Context: the domains, certificates, shared code, network communications.

From a vast and large database of dynamically updated app knowledge, you get detailed quantitative and qualitative intelligence that is tailored to your enterprise’s security and privacy risk management needs.

Visibility into Your Mobile Security Posture

From Zimperium’s zConsole, you get a holistic view of your devices’ risk posture, including OS/device, network and app risks. Comprehensive mobile app risk intelligence focuses on security and privacy risks.

App Security and Privacy Risk Summary Reports can be generated in minutes, saving application testers up to six-to-eight hours of research time. They include app risk scoring, giving apps a Thumbs Up or Down, as well as the app behaviors and context so that enterprise security teams can take action. Detailed technical journals in JSON help security teams further understand the Command & Control communications of malicious apps.

z3A™ App Risk Reporting

Risk Mitigation Actions

Security administrators can set proactive policies to mitigate app risks and reduce data exfiltration. Policies and risk mitigation, in particular, are customizable so enterprises can tailor their actions according to their risk tolerance.

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